Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Office

The office is a very small space but we are hoping to expand very shortly. It is located about 2 blocks from my apartment so a very easy commute! A lot happens in this little room...The organizational planning, financing, meetings, drop-ins, and some counseling all happen in here. At all times there are 2-4 people working in the office but it often houses up to 8 people both providing and receiving services.

You may notice several computers in the photo but only one actually works...but it has no Internet so it is difficult to research funding. There is also a printer but there is no toner and they can't afford to replace it so we have to take anything we want to print or copy somewhere to pay and have it done so most records are handwritten. This will be a bit of a hurdle as far as efficiency goes but I have some ideas percolating.

As you can probably see from the photos this is an organizer's dream. I feel like there is a lot I can do for this organization in terms of organizational development and have been working quite hard to get some systems in place that will increase productivity (and accountability)...and in turn, funding. I'll keep you all posted as I start working on specific projects but for the next few weeks I'll be sorting through the piles of handwritten financial documents and receipts and training someone on how to track our finances more effectively.


  1. i can't read the title of this post without thinking of the theme music to the american office... i hope your office is filled with as many interesting characters, although i'm sure you'd prefer more andy barnards than michael scotts.

  2. Mark,
    There are definitely some characters :) Fortunately no Angelas or Dwights! Maybe I should approach NBC with a pitch for The Office: Kenyan Style.
